Authenticity at It's Finest - Kathryn Gordon

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Thank you for joining Kathryn for another Wednesday Real!

Today, we are going to discuss authenticity. Authenticity is a term that’s often thrown around, but what does it really mean? At its core, authenticity is about being true to yourself and to your values. It means living in a way that’s aligned with your beliefs, rather than trying to conform to the expectations of others.
Kathryn has struggled with authenticity in the past and often felt pressure to present a certain image or fit into a particular mold, whether in her personal or professional life. But over time, she’s come to realize that being authentic is not only more fulfilling, but it also helps her build deeper connections. If you can’t tell by now … being “real” isn’t an issue for her anymore.

That’s what The Kathryn For Real Podcast is all about! 😉

So why is authenticity so important? Kathryn would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with authenticity.
Have you struggled with being authentic?
What steps have you taken to be more true to yourself?

Kathryn will see you next week for another topic that’s sure to get you thinking! In the meantime, remember to be REAL to yourself and live authentically.

You can also connect with her on:


Kathryn Gordon

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