Mirror Mirror - Julie Nee

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This week on the Kathryn For Real podcast, Kathryn is happily joined by her good friend and author, Julie Nee.

Julie is a leader, motivator, and a passionate teacher of all things positivity. After the 19 years spent working at The Hershey Company, Julie was led to the speaking and training industry. Julie has brought positive mindset and leadership work to clients across a wide variety of industries and trained leaders across the U.S. and around the world with the co-creation, with Kathryn’s husband Jon Gordon, of The Power of Positive Leadership Training.

Get your copy of Julie’s book, Mirror Mirror: 5 Reflections to Clear the Fog and Help You Shine, by going to www.Mirrormirrorbook.com

Stream this episode on all platforms to learn how you can implement Julie’s theory of “S.H.I.N.E” into your daily lives.


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